Download File With Progress Bar (PyQt/PySide)

In the Background Tasks With PyQt post we saw how to implement heavy tasks without freezing the window in a Qt desktop application. The following code illustrates how to implement a file download via HTTP(S) and display its progress via the QProgressBar widget.


The code is available for both PyQt6 and PySide6 bindings. PyQt5 also works without modification (just replace PyQt6 with PyQt5 in the first lines). The first code uses a child thread to download the file, the second uses the Twisted networking library.

First Code

With PyQt:

from urllib.request import urlopen
from PyQt6.QtCore import QThread, pyqtSignal
from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMainWindow, QLabel, QPushButton
from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QProgressBar
class Downloader(QThread):
    # Signal for the window to establish the maximum value
    # of the progress bar.
    setTotalProgress = pyqtSignal(int)
    # Signal to increase the progress.
    setCurrentProgress = pyqtSignal(int)
    # Signal to be emitted when the file has been downloaded successfully.
    succeeded = pyqtSignal()
    def __init__(self, url, filename):
        self._url = url
        self._filename = filename
    def run(self):
        url = ""
        filename = "python-3.7.2.exe"
        readBytes = 0
        chunkSize = 1024
        # Open the URL address.
        with urlopen(url) as r:
            # Tell the window the amount of bytes to be downloaded.
            with open(filename, "ab") as f:
                while True:
                    # Read a piece of the file we are downloading.
                    chunk =
                    # If the result is `None`, that means data is not
                    # downloaded yet. Just keep waiting.
                    if chunk is None:
                    # If the result is an empty `bytes` instance, then
                    # the file is complete.
                    elif chunk == b"":
                    # Write into the local file the downloaded chunk.
                    readBytes += chunkSize
                    # Tell the window how many bytes we have received.
        # If this line is reached then no exception has ocurred in
        # the previous lines.
class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
    def __init__(self):
        self.setWindowTitle("Download with progress in PyQt")
        self.resize(400, 300)
        self.label = QLabel("Press the button to start downloading.", self)
        self.label.setGeometry(20, 20, 200, 25)
        self.button = QPushButton("Start download", self)
        self.button.move(20, 60)
        self.progressBar = QProgressBar(self)
        self.progressBar.setGeometry(20, 115, 300, 25)
    def initDownload(self):
        self.label.setText("Downloading file...")
        # Disable the button while the file is downloading.
        # Run the download in a new thread.
        self.downloader = Downloader(
        # Connect the signals which send information about the download
        # progress with the proper methods of the progress bar.
        # Qt will invoke the `succeeded()` method when the file has been
        # downloaded successfully and `downloadFinished()` when the
        # child thread finishes.
    def downloadSucceeded(self):
        # Set the progress at 100%.
        self.label.setText("The file has been downloaded!")
    def downloadFinished(self):
        # Restore the button.
        # Delete the thread when no longer needed.
        del self.downloader
if __name__ == "__main__":
    app = QApplication([])
    window = MainWindow()

With PySide:

from urllib.request import urlopen
from PySide6.QtCore import QThread, Signal
from PySide6.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMainWindow, QLabel, QPushButton
from PySide6.QtWidgets import QProgressBar
class Downloader(QThread):
    # Signal for the window to establish the maximum value
    # of the progress bar.
    setTotalProgress = Signal(int)
    # Signal to increase the progress.
    setCurrentProgress = Signal(int)
    # Signal to be emitted when the file has been downloaded successfully.
    succeeded = Signal()
    def __init__(self, url, filename):
        self._url = url
        self._filename = filename
    def run(self):
        url = ""
        filename = "python-3.7.2.exe"
        readBytes = 0
        chunkSize = 1024
        # Open the URL address.
        with urlopen(url) as r:
            # Tell the window the amount of bytes to be downloaded.
            with open(filename, "ab") as f:
                while True:
                    # Read a piece of the file we are downloading.
                    chunk =
                    # If the result is `None`, that means data is not
                    # downloaded yet. Just keep waiting.
                    if chunk is None:
                    # If the result is an empty `bytes` instance, then
                    # the file is complete.
                    elif chunk == b"":
                    # Write into the local file the downloaded chunk.
                    readBytes += chunkSize
                    # Tell the window how many bytes we have received.
        # If this line is reached then no exception has ocurred in
        # the previous lines.
class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
    def __init__(self):
        self.setWindowTitle("Download with progress in PySide")
        self.resize(400, 300)
        self.label = QLabel("Press the button to start downloading.", self)
        self.label.setGeometry(20, 20, 200, 25)
        self.button = QPushButton("Start download", self)
        self.button.move(20, 60)
        self.progressBar = QProgressBar(self)
        self.progressBar.setGeometry(20, 115, 300, 25)
    def initDownload(self):
        self.label.setText("Downloading file...")
        # Disable the button while the file is downloading.
        # Run the download in a new thread.
        self.downloader = Downloader(
        # Connect the signals which send information about the download
        # progress with the proper methods of the progress bar.
        # Qt will invoke the `succeeded()` method when the file has been
        # downloaded successfully and `downloadFinished()` when the
        # child thread finishes.
    def downloadSucceeded(self):
        # Set the progress at 100%.
        self.label.setText("The file has been downloaded!")
    def downloadFinished(self):
        # Restore the button.
        # Delete the thread when no longer needed.
        del self.downloader
if __name__ == "__main__":
    app = QApplication([])
    window = MainWindow()

Second Code

This code uses the qt5reactor package which is only available for PyQt5, thus it won't run in PyQt6. Make sure to install the required dependencies (besides PyQt5 itself) by running:

pip install treq certifi qt5reactor pywin32

treq is like Requests but built on top of Twisted. certifi is required for HTTPS connections. qt5reactor makes Qt and Twisted use the same event loop and understand each other. pywin32 is only required on Windows.

from PyQt5.QtCore import QCoreApplication
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMainWindow, QLabel, QPushButton
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QProgressBar
class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
    def __init__(self):
        self.setWindowTitle("Download with progress in PyQt")
        self.resize(400, 300)
        self.label = QLabel("Press the button to start downloading.", self)
        self.label.setGeometry(20, 20, 200, 25)
        self.button = QPushButton("Start download", self)
        self.button.move(20, 60)
        self.progressBar = QProgressBar(self)
        self.progressBar.setGeometry(20, 115, 300, 25)
    def initDownload(self):
        self.label.setText("Descargando archivo...")
        # Disable the button while the file is downloading.
        url = ""
        # The `requestSucceeded()` method will be invoked when the connection
        # to the URL address has been established.
    def collector(self, chunk):
        Thus function is invoked by Twisted every time a piece of data
        (`chunk`) is received from the file we are downloading.
        self.progressBar.setValue(self.progressBar.value() + len(chunk))
    def requestSucceeded(self, response):
        # Get the size of the file to be downloaded and set it as the
        # progress bar maximum.
        # Open the file in "ab" (append + binary) mode so we can write
        # in it by chunks.
        self.f = open("python-3.7.2.exe", "ab")
        # Start the download, making sure `downloadSucceeded()` is
        # invoked if the download succeeds, and `downloadFinished()`
        #  both when it succeeds or fails.
        treq.collect(response, self.collector).addCallback(
    def downloadSucceeded(self, result):
        self.label.setText("The file has been downloaded!")
    def downloadFinished(self, result):
        # Restore the button.
    def closeEvent(self, event):
if __name__ == "__main__":
    app = QApplication([])
    import qt5reactor
    window = MainWindow()
    from twisted.internet import reactor
    import treq
    import os
    import certifi
    # Required for HTTPS connections.
    os.environ["SSL_CERT_FILE"] = certifi.where()